Monday, January 28, 2008


This advertising picture was done by Benwin, aka the author, that is the company who makes the speaker that is being advertised. Since it is a picture there is no blurb on the author so there is not much more to say on that.

The audience is anyone who is in need of a speaker. That could include men and women. The picture is even set up geared towards both men and women. The woman in the picture is very pretty and has on a "bling" necklace which draws the attention of women. Also the woman in the picture is showing a bit of cleavage which will draw the attention of men.

The purpose of this advertisement is to draw the attention of someone who would be interested in buying this speaker. The necklace that the woman is wearing is there to show how nice the speaker is, it is more high quality and very skeek. The woman is dressed very business like which also places the speaker in a more higher up location.

Professor V,

I realized this was due Sunday night and I understand if points will be taken off because it is late. I do not expect anything else just because I have a doctors note.

Monday, January 21, 2008

1.21.08 Anne Lamott Essay

Shitty First Drafts by Anne Lamott

I like her tone alot in this passage. Very outgoing and a "whatever" attitude which is very vibrant. First drafts are never perfect and can merely be thoughts and ideas and not even complete sentences and I do believe that is how every writer starts any work. A writer being someone who has published work or just simply writes in a journal every day.
I liked how she said the first draft is the child's draft because it really is. That first sit down and writing stuff down is something that will be shaped later or possibly be turned into something completely different.
The ending part of her essay is true even if it is written in a very outgoing/weird way. You write what you want and how you want. Not how someone else wants it.

When I start my first draft I just write and let myself go off and just write down anything and everything that comes to mind so I get everything down on paper before I lose it. Then i go through it and edit and take stuff out and add stuff in. And then I go throughout again and again. Rewriting it always helps and makes it neater because I write everything everywhere, all my little edits and changes etc. Writing starts from somewhere and ends in a piece of work. Some people just can’t let it flow but I can and I do. I just sit down and start and then go through it. I always liked the free writing back in elementary school. We had to keep a journal of sorts and we could write about anything, well school appropriate, and all you had to do was write for a certain amount of time like an hour or something. I liked doing it and always had fun with it. Ideas you never knew you had or felt that way always came out and you tend to learn a little more about yourself.