Thursday, April 10, 2008

rhetorical analysis re: text image

The audience for this image is anyone who is going to college and might be interested in joining Greek Life. The author is someone who is already involved in Greek Life. The purpose is trying to get the word out about joining Greek. About getting students involved.
I am in a sorority, Delta Delta Delta, here at NAU and I absolutely love it. There are so many stereotypes about sororities and fraternities and most of them just are not true. If I went to a different school I might not have gone Greek but here at NAU it is about sisterhood, philanthropy, academics, and social events. What else can you join and instantly you have 80 new friends? We in Tri Delta have to do so many philanthropy hours each semester. This helps us getting out in the community and participating in other events. We also have our national philanthropy which is St. Jude Children Research Hospital which we raise a lot of money for every year. Academics are a big part of sororities. It is mandatory to retain a certain GPA to be a part of Greek Life. This past semester Tri Delta came in third out of eight sororities. Every type of group, Greek or not, has social events. Greek just has formals and date parties and bake days, and intramural sports.

Everyone thinks that all the different sororities and fraternities hate the other ones and we really don’t. We have a healthy competition with others for intramurals and other activities but everyone really does get along.

Yes some people drink and party but everyone does it. Not just Greek people. Lumping everyone together like that is not fair and is automatically judging which is not right.
Going Greek is a positive thing here at NAU and as long as you join for the right reasons than you will benefit greatly from being a part of this. There are a lot of different chapters so there will be a sorority or frat that fits you personally.

rhetorical analysis re: text image

This is image is one from the dove beauty. The audience is for women no matter what the age is. The author is Dove. The purpose is that any and every woman is beautiful. It does not matter what you look like on the outside, what race you are, what your age is, every woman is gorgeous.
I really admire that Dove goes far lengths to display this message. I think it is very important for woman to hear this message and believe it and fully take it to heart. Especially with how our media presents only one view of nowadays beauty, it just is completely wrong. This view is wrong for women and men to think it is how every woman should look. Everyone is unique and different which is a very neat characteristic. By being different you are showing your true self. I think it is a wonderful thing that not everyone looks the same or else our world would be so completely boring. Even in our age a lot of people have the same clothing style and it gets old. Everyone looks the same clothing wise. You should just wear what you like and have your own style.

I like my sorority because we have girls from a lot of different areas; Hawaii, South Dakota, New Mexico etc. Everyone has different styles depending on where they are from so it is refreshing to be up here and see that style change.
Why conform to something? Why not just be yourself. People are happier being themselves than constantly worrying what others think or what is the latest style. Shine. Be yourself. That is what life is really about.

rhetorical analysis

The audience for this sign is any teenager and I also think any parent who has a teenager. The author is probably a parent who has gone through those wonderful teenager years. The purpose is to make a point that teenagers do not know everything and even though they complain about being “harassed” by their parents than they should move out. Most parents would probably like their teenager to move out and get a job and not have to worry about them. Especially since most teenagers do act like “know it all” and probably talk back to their parents.

This sign was very interesting and funny. It is almost mocking teenagers because we do act like we could just do whatever we want and we can just move out if we want to and we do not have to depend on our parents. The truth is though that most teenagers would not know the first thing of depending on themselves. So maybe teenagers should not give their parents such a hard time and think that parents harass them because most teenagers depend on their parents.

I am not saying every teenager. I was working 50 hours a week my junior and senior years of high school. Also I started working for my parents when I was twelve, back then it was just a summer job but as I grew up and learned more and more of all the businesses I ran more and more of all the businesses. My senior year consisted of me flying here and there for meetings or openings of certain buildings of ours, of being a personal assistant to my father who was founder and boss man of all of his businesses all over the southwest region. Because my parents are very goal oriented and their corporations are huge it does take up a lot of their time and mostly I was on my own.

This sign is not meant for all teenagers because there are the exceptions just like in everything there is always that exception. This sign was just interesting because it hits it dead on. Teenagers think they can just do these things because they don’t like parents rules but most parents would be happy for their teenagers to accomplish these things.