Thursday, April 10, 2008

rhetorical analysis re: text image

This is image is one from the dove beauty. The audience is for women no matter what the age is. The author is Dove. The purpose is that any and every woman is beautiful. It does not matter what you look like on the outside, what race you are, what your age is, every woman is gorgeous.
I really admire that Dove goes far lengths to display this message. I think it is very important for woman to hear this message and believe it and fully take it to heart. Especially with how our media presents only one view of nowadays beauty, it just is completely wrong. This view is wrong for women and men to think it is how every woman should look. Everyone is unique and different which is a very neat characteristic. By being different you are showing your true self. I think it is a wonderful thing that not everyone looks the same or else our world would be so completely boring. Even in our age a lot of people have the same clothing style and it gets old. Everyone looks the same clothing wise. You should just wear what you like and have your own style.

I like my sorority because we have girls from a lot of different areas; Hawaii, South Dakota, New Mexico etc. Everyone has different styles depending on where they are from so it is refreshing to be up here and see that style change.
Why conform to something? Why not just be yourself. People are happier being themselves than constantly worrying what others think or what is the latest style. Shine. Be yourself. That is what life is really about.

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