Sunday, February 10, 2008

gender role blog

Gender role in society is very evident in rules and what is and what is not. It has always been very clear on what is expected of males and females and how each should look and act. Males shoud be strong, heroic, tall and handsome. Males should go out and work and bring home the money and be successful. Females are pretty and quiet and feminine and stays home with the children and keeps the house clean. Now a days some things have changed and ideas have progressed. Women go out and are very successful and males have more active roles in raising children. Mainly, things that are expected of males and females are still pretty strong. It all depends on the person too though. Women who fight that sexes are equal and women should not just "stay in the kitchen" are more manly and maybe they do not have that womanly touch. Where women who still believe that sexes are equal but does not think it is a huge issue, they have the womanly touch and automatically go and clean the dishes after dinner etc. Women do have that "touch" such as holding a baby, that maternal instinct. Men are more brisk. Some men are more feminine and some woman are more manly. It all depends on the specific person.
Society does show how males and females should act or look by mostly media, tv shows, magazines etc. Posters, basically anywhere you can look there is some version of what the "right" gender roles are.

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